Display your participation in the Isometric Science Network on LinkedIn to facilitate communication with other members of the Network and to show your contributions to building consensus in CDR.
Follow our LinkedIn page to stay up to date with any posts.
On your LinkedIn profile go to the “Experience” section and click on the “+” button. This will create a dropdown, please select “Add position”.
See the “Experience” section below on your profile:
Clicking “add position” will create a pop up box:
Select “Notify Network” as on
List the Position Title as “Isometric Science Network Member”
Leave the Employment Type field empty
List the Company Name as “Isometric Science Network”, you can find the Isometric page here
Leave the Location and Location Type fields empty.
Select the tick box “I am currently working in this role” and add the start date as when you joined the Isometric Science Network.
For the Industry field enter “Technology, Information and Internet”
For the Description please enter
“Isometric is a carbon removal standard and registry. As a member of the Isometric Science Network I am part of a diverse community of scientists and industry experts building consensus in CDR.”
In addition to this if applicable please list the contributions you have had in the Isometric Network, e.g.
“As a member of the Isometric Science Network I have”