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Getting involved with Proposals

We are excited to support fundamental research that will address key knowledge gaps and advance high-quality measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) for CDR. We collaborate closely with research partners and often offer cost-sharing in proposals. Isometric is an official partner on the following funded proposals as well as numerous other applications for funding.


<aside> ✏️ We're actively building collaborations with private, academic, government, and non-profit leaders ****throughout the CDR industry. Find out below how you can get involved with us on proposals below.


Collaborate on a funded proposal

If your expertise is relevant to one of the proposals listed above and you’d like to contribute, inquire about the proposal by sending an email to [email protected] with the format:

  1. Subject of email = “Science Network - Existing Proposal Inquiry”
  2. Body of email =
    1. The name of proposal
    2. A short outline of your expertise
    3. A summary of any questions you have
    4. Your contact details & time zone

Collaborate with us on a new proposal

<aside> ✏️ We can support your proposal with the expertise of our internal Science Team - at no expense - and through cost-sharing on the proposal.


The Isometric Science Team builds time to contribute our expertise to the broader CDR community - in line with our mission to ensure the transition to carbon removal happens quickly responsibly.

If you’re interested in Isometric collaborating with you on a proposal please reach out to us by sending an email to [email protected] with the format:

  1. Subject of email = “Science Network - New Proposal Inquiry”
  2. Body of email =
    1. The name of your proposal
    2. A description and link to the funding you’re applying for
    3. A short outline of your expertise
    4. Any documents you have so far, or an outline of your proposal
    5. Your contact details & time zone